Various Interesting Files in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, etc.
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All of these books I highly regard and recommend.
Merck Manual: ENT.
Maurice King et al: Primary Surgery. Volume One.
Maurice King et al: Primary Surgery. Volume One.
J B Janeke, W A McIntosh: Ear, Nose and Throat - Out of Africa
Byron J Bailey, Chester L Strunk, Charles W Smith:
C A J Prescott: Handbook of ENT.
M Gavric i sar: Maksilofacijalna hirurgija.
R A Cawson, J D Langdon, J W Eveson:
Pediatric Clinics of North America,
Frank W Pirruccello: Flaps of the Head and Neck.
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Most of them are presented here without illustrations.
Please buy them if you have any opportunity!
Non-Trauma. Chapter 25.
Non-Trauma. Chapter 26.
Chapter 33. Otolaryngology.
(From Rakel: Textbook of Family Practice.
Diseases and Disorders of the Ear, Nose, and Throat.
(In Serbian!)
Surgical pathology of the mouth and jaws.
Vol 28, No 4, November 1981